Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Order of Business

I mentioned in my introductory post that the big idea of firing up the blog engine was to find a way to get myself in gear.  So let's bust right into it...

I used to be a pretty skinny kid.  All the way through high school I was pretty active in all the ways that nerds can stay active.  I got my black belt in tae kwon do when I was 16 and I was pretty religious about kicking ass (depending on who was on the other side of the ring) every Tuesday and Thursday up until I left for college.  Going along with that, I was in marching band during football seasons in high school.  It may not seem like much, but just the fact that we were sweating on the blacktop for 6 hours/day during the summer and then sweating in the uniforms during football games... oh and not to mention the actual marching... believe me, it helped keep a lot of nerds from exploding into monstrous balls of humanity with a musical instrument sticking out.

Move along through college, I probably put on the freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/senior/senior 15, but I couldn't have cared less about my weight because we were having a killer time.  I honestly don't think I stepped on a scale for about 3 years somewhere in there.  Everything was accessible on foot, so there was a lot of natural exercise just out of the bare necessity of [sometimes] going to class and [more than sometimes] going to the nearest Exxon/Subway to get Pringles, beer, and a 12" pizza sub.  No matter which one I went to, at least it was on foot.

Move along again through 3+ years of professional work force.  I use the term "force" loosely because there is absolutely no force exerted nor energy burned when you plop into a chair for 8 hours a day.  I have really been noticing the effects of the fatitude for about the last year.  It's not much, compared to the apparent average American, but I'd rather not be average or normal.  So, I'm escaping the norm and dropping some weight.  You shall be a witness to my progress and failures, and I'm sure there will be plenty of both.

Fret not, this will not be the only topic of discussion, it is just the issue sitting at the top of my mind and the primary goal that I have right now is dropping some pounds.

Kickin' Up Some Dirt

I've never blogged about my life before. Let me just get you rolling with that. I've made posts about computer stuff, cell phones, sports, etc, but never about me. I'm sure there will be approximately 2 people reading this, but I've heard that it provides some sort of comfort or excitement to let people into your door - even just a little.

I have no idea where this blog may go, nor do I care. It will probably be a pretty aimless collection of rants and raves, some sort of online journal where I bullshit about bullshit. I'll try to keep it funny and entertaining for you, but my main goal is to be a catalyst for my own self improvement. Contact me if you want to, or just read anonymously, I don't care.

Take 'er easy. And welcome to my brain.